PS: BeaUty from refuse

Expanded poystyrene (EPS) packaging, more commonly known as the Dow Chemical brand product "Styrofoam", is thought of as a "single-use" consumer good, yet by design will never fully break down and compost, making that single use last forever. 
Three million tons of polystyrene are produced in the United States each year, and it s lightweight nature and its use with food products make it difficult and expensive to recycle, thus contributing to its accumulation in landfills (comprising as much as 30% of total landfill volume) and as litter (20% of Styrofoam estimated to end up in waterways).
Polystyrene is able to be recycled, but it's kind of a pain in the ass. On a small scale we can clean and break down the polystyrene into a liquid that I can use to make into all sorts of iteresting stuff.

Polystyrene is known as the least recyclable recyclable

Through a simple process I can create endless possible variations in color and form.



Random ramblings from the mind of Mullie.


An Intro to PS-6

I'm going to be going into the process and exploring the main ingredient, Polystyrene.   What the heck is it?  Am I going to die if I touch it?

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The "Crackhead" that started it all

What started as an exploration into recycled buttons, turned into a vision for  a vast global art project reminiscent of the Toynbee Tiles

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Due to the nature of my work, I have bunch of long term projects that I might want to talk about.  Show some sneak previews, like the dude to my left.  What's he all about?  When will it be done?

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